
A rather special edition of the Amphitheater with some “seasonal stories” for Halloween, first published in 2014. Featuring four great storytellers from around the U.S. Please visit their links to learn more about them.

Please note these stories are not for children under 13.

First: Mary Grace Ketner shares the story of “La Llorona,” which she tells us is “told by a genuine south Texan.” You can hear the story here:

Then: Our second story is “Cold Feet” by Arizona-based storyteller Glenda Bonin. You can listen to her story here:

Next: We change it up and present storytelling by Priscilla Howe, who shares her story of “Chickens.” Recorded live before an audience of giggly children, this one is fun for everybody. You can listen to this story right now:

Continuing: We’re treating you to some storytelling by Judith Black. She’ll share the story of how the Jack O’Lantern came to be. You can listen to this story right now:

Finally: “The Farmer and the Demon.” a Grimm fairytale, is told by Sean Buvala. Sean is also the director of He’s telling the tale now:

Our clammy-handy thanks to the web of storytellers who have graciously (but in a spooky kind of way) lent their Halloween stories for your enjoyment. Thanks to Kieran for the voiceover help.

Music thanks to: “Day of Chaos” and “Come Play with Me” by Kevin MacLeod ( Music only: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution.

Illustration by Michelle Buvala.

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